About EleanorGirlFriday

The beauty of an organised and well styled space can be inspirational, relaxing and bring joy. After years of ‘making do’ with hand me downs, miss matched soft furnishings and décor I realised the potential of the items I had accumulated; by looking at my home through fresh eyes, reusing and repurposing my stuff with the addition of bargains and charity shop finds I created spaces I love. Just because something has always been that way doesn’t mean its right or can’t be better. I’m all for moving furniture (with help luckily), rearranging pictures and adding the odd bargain or charity shop find to completely change the look and feel of your environment. I create new spaces sparking excitement and joy by spending very little or often no money.

Lets take a step back – before styling or re-styling its important to clear out, know what you have, what you can use or move and what is cluttering the space. if it doesn’t have a home, give it one. if you cant find a home do you really need it? be strong and ruthless, you’ll appreciate your efforts once you’re done.

There are scientific links between clutter and, stress and anxiety. I have down days, weeks sometimes; my standards slip and its a downward spiral until something snaps me out of it. Usually starting with a small space reminds me of the energy I gain from de-cluttering thus creating momentum to carry on to clear spaces and my mind one step at a time. I always come back to the knowledge that “for every minute spent in organising an hour is earned” – Benjamin Franklin. An hour I can spend with my son, reading a book, relaxing, eating cake and drinking coffee or wine even… Always with a tidy and well organised space to return to.

Find out more about how planning, organising and de-cluttering is good for mind and body here

As a qualified and experienced project manager I’m used to structure and process, using project management skills along side my Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner qualification I work with clients to understand their needs and wants, and the feelings they would like to evoke from spaces.

If you would like to find out more about working together to create spaces you love get in touch.

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